
Anorak News | #traingate: Jeremy Corbyn and The Canary sing for an Aisle Free airline

#traingate: Jeremy Corbyn and The Canary sing for an Aisle Free airline

by | 25th, August 2016

On The Canary website, monocular readers can study Jeremy Corby’s responses to #traingate. “Corbyn delivers a brutal message to Richard Branson after the Traingate smear falls apart [VIDEO],” thunders one headline. The apparent “smear” being that Corbyn was misrepresented when he sat on the floor between carriages and said to camera that there were no seats on a packed train when there were, using his suffering to campaign for a return to State-owned railways.

Another story upbraids Richard Branson’s Virgin for running “fuel-guzzling trains”.

As Jeremy Corbyn books handgliding lessons and a sedan chair for his next trip up north, we notice that alongside the Canary’s self-styled “Fresh, Fearless Independent Journalism” is this advert for an airline offering “Aisle Seats for Everyone”.


jeremy corbyn train


‘Book now and book often’, as they don’t say in Corbyn’s office.

Posted: 25th, August 2016 | In: Politicians, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink