
Anorak News | MODE Media: I Want My Money

MODE Media: I Want My Money

by | 23rd, September 2016

Mode payIt’d been looking iffy for a while. We at Anorak were not the first to notice that MODE media were not the best payers. They routinely paid 90-120 days. MODE got the money into their bank accounts, used it for a while and then paid the bloggers who hosted their ads, typically on a 50-50 split (after their company costs have been paid for).

Now MODE has gone bust. Bloggers – people from all walks of life and businesses – have been creamed.

Putting a lot of energy into building a readership and letting MODE take first dibs at getting ads in front of those readers’ eyes was a mugs’ game.

Bloggers have been told nothing since the company abruptly ceased training last week. Your money has sat in MODE’s bank accounts while their directors and owners knew the company was in peril. All the while they let everyone carry on working to keep their side of the bargain and said nothing.

It’s reported MODE made $90 million in 2015. Mode Media was expected to make $100 million in revenue this year.


MODE media money screwed


Those contracts MODE made bloggers stick to – the ones that commanded their ads to be shows only above the fold and before all others – are worthless.

For online publishers who depend on page views to sell advertising against, MODE have pulled a fast one. We wrote the copy, built audiences and they sold the ads. It was a two-way reciprocal arrangement. We also advertised their company – contracts stipulate bloggers must slap MODE’s log on their sites.

And then they shafted us.

We, like many others, simply can’t afford to lose the money MODE owe us.

We can sympathise with the perils of business. But MODE are cowards. A visit to the company’s website,, reveals nothing.


MODE media money



Disgusting. Talk is that MODE also screwed their workers.


mode media staff sacked staff letter


We and hundreds if not thousands of others who bought into MODE’s business want our money.


Posted: 23rd, September 2016 | In: Key Posts, Money, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink