
Anorak News | Find household items lost inside your anus with the Body Orifice Security Scanner (BOSS)

Find household items lost inside your anus with the Body Orifice Security Scanner (BOSS)

by | 28th, February 2017

Ever lose something up your nostrils, vagina, anus or other orifice? Something like a Donny Osmond poster, keepsake, drugs stash, lungfish, hacksaw, shovel, shot glass or eel?

Well, help is at hand. Beat the Boss, aka Xeku’s Body Orifice Security Scanner (BOSS), will give you a gel-free “hygienic cavity search”. Ostensibly targeted at prisoners smuggling contraband into choky, the BOSS will be a boon to sexual explorers and nudists who spend too long asking, ‘Has anyone seen the keys?”


Posted: 28th, February 2017 | In: Strange But True, Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink