
Anorak News | What the biased Daily Mail said when Theresa May and Ed Miliband tried to fix energy prices

What the biased Daily Mail said when Theresa May and Ed Miliband tried to fix energy prices

by | 11th, May 2017

Compare and contras the Daily Mail’s treatment of news that:

a) A Conservative Government will cap energy prices. (May 9, 2017)
b) A Labour Government will cap energy prices (september 25, 2013)


daily mail energy bills theresa may


Aside from the identity of the blonde in the Mail’s crosshairs and the top ticker moan about the poor state of modern life, the headlines show how the messenger can be more important than the message.



The Mail is delighted by Theresa May’s move.


April 11 may energy daily mail

April 11, 2017


Liz Gerard has more:


daily mail bias labour tory


Now read what May’s Cabinet thought of her idea.

Posted: 11th, May 2017 | In: Key Posts, Politicians, Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink