
Anorak News | Ueli Steck climbs the North Face of the Eiger in 2 hours and 47 minutes (video)

Ueli Steck climbs the North Face of the Eiger in 2 hours and 47 minutes (video)

by | 15th, May 2017

Ueli Steck (4 October 1976 – 30 April 2017) died near Mount Everest. The Swiss climber fell 1000 metres to his death. He was an incredible athlete, who scaled the famed and feared north face of the Eiger in – get this – only two hours and 47 minutes. He did it carrying less equipment than a Highgate mum takes to the toilet. The video footage of the climb is awe-inspiring:


Posted: 15th, May 2017 | In: Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink