After Manchester: Salman Abedi and the stupidity of anti-marijuana campaigns
Salman Abedi murdered 22 people at a pop concert because… he smoked marijuana. Rather than leading to long spells sat on the sofa watching daytime telly, weed turns you into someone who massacres families at an Ariana Grade concert in Manchester.
Well, maybe it does.
Dr Max Pemberton asks, “Is marijuana a factor in jihadi murders?” The Mail adds portraits of all the losers who murdered so many people in Tunisia, London, Nice, Orlando and Paris. All adhered to radical Islam. All saw the West as their enemy and murder as a duty. But Pemberton wonders if cannabis might be to blame.
If you want a meaningful debate on drugs, it might be better to turn the question around: why are so many attracted to smoking it?
The Mail’s poser is an agenda-driven, to-deadline question perched atop a weak argument. The idea that weed was a factor – that getting wasted made it “easier to disregard the welfare of others” and butcher them – absolves individual terrorists of responsibility for their actions. It wasn’t me. It was the weed.
So we can answer the Mail’s question very simple. It’s ‘no’. They don’t get off that easily.
After Manchester: worst of all Salman Abedi was a sexist
Posted: 26th, May 2017 | In: Key Posts, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink