Julie Wadsworth: paedophile’s crimes become kinky romps
Is it different for women? Husband and wife Tony and Julie Wadsworth have been found guilty of encouraging six boys to take part in sexual activity between 1992 and 1996. The Wadsworths, both ex-BBC radio presenters, had denied all charges, putting their victim through the ordeal of a three-week trial. Julie Wadsworth, 60, was convicted of nine indecent assaults against boys and five counts of outraging public decency. Tony Wadsowrth, 69, was found guilty of the same charges.
Nasty stuff. Sordid and ugly. So how does the Sun report on these sex criminals, villains the Mail brands “paedophiles”? Well, from the off the story is of “romps” and the “kinky” wife. Since when did indecent assault become a romp?
In case you’re not yet titillated, the paper has lots more photos of Julie:
ROMP – Collins Dictionary:
verb – When children or animals romp, they play noisily and happily. Dogs and little children romped happily in the garden. Synonyms: frolic, sport, skip, have fun.
countable noun – If two people have a romp, they have sex in a light-hearted and very casual way.
The grainy black and white image below featured in the Leicester Trader in December 1979 “when the paper ran a glamour competition featuring local girls”.
There is the Julie Wadsworth mug shot – and we even see Tony – a paedo less worthy of the front page – posing for the police’s camera:
But the photos of Julie Wadsworth surely invite readers to appraise her appearance. Are we really to think that paedophilia is ok if the abuser is shaggable? Is it different for women?
Posted: 10th, June 2017 | In: News, Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink