
Anorak News | Theresa May waits for the nation say story to her

Theresa May waits for the nation say story to her

by | 17th, June 2017

Theresa May is reeling. This is not the time for her to be confronted by people by Grenfell Tower. Mrs May is in a weakened position and has housing and employment concerns to focus on, namely her central London council house at Number 10 Downing Street and the caretaker’s job that goes with it.


Fundamentally, she feels let down, disappointed and betrayed by the British electorate that refused to do as it was told and vote for her. Is it so very hard to say sorry?


May tells the BBC’s Dead Ringer:
Audio Player

Helmut Kohl is away:

Posted: 17th, June 2017 | In: News, Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink