
Anorak News | Oregon offer citizens a choice of three genders

Oregon offer citizens a choice of three genders

by | 19th, June 2017

From next month Oregon drivers can select any one of three genders for their licenses and state IDs. You can opt for M, F, or X.

The first recipient of the new rule will be Portlander Jamie Shupe, a US Army veteran, who became the first non-binary person in the United States to be officially recognized.

“Imagine I had a white mother and a black father,” Shupe explains. “I would be a mixed-race child. Well, take the word ‘race’ out of there and replace it with ‘sex.’ I feel like nature just popped me out as this mixtures of sexes.”

For ages women were defined as being the opposite of men. How would we define men and women now? Is gender fluid? Is gender constructed by society? If gender is no longer fixed is public affirmation of self all important?

Oregon has moved on. But it’s got some way to go to match the virtual world – Facebook offers over 50 gender options for people to choose from.

Spotter: The Oregonaian

Posted: 19th, June 2017 | In: News 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink