Charlie Gard is being represented by the Voluntary Euthanasia Society
How well do you know your lawyer? Always an idea to check their credentials. As Charlie Gard’s apparent have discovered, you might not always get the ideal representation:
Charlie Gard’s parents have privately expressed their concern after discovering that the lawyer appointed to represent their 11-month-old son in court heads a charity that backs assisted dying.
No that private, then. To whom did they express their concerns, the media? This case is being played out in the news media, where emotion is the watchword and subjectivity belongs to a bygone age.
Victoria Butler-Cole, who speaks on Charlie’s behalf in court, is chairman of Compassion in Dying, a sister organisation to Dignity in Dying which campaigns for a change in the law to make assisted dying legal in the UK.
Dignity in Dying used to be called the Voluntary Euthanasia Society.
Whose doing the volunteering? Charlie Gard’s not. His parents aren’t. Strangers are. Well-meaning, strangers, yes, but nonetheless, strangers.
Spotter: Daily Telegraph
Posted: 17th, July 2017 | In: Broadsheets 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink