
Anorak News | Little Richard: ‘a little Jewish black bottomed boy from Georgia’

Little Richard: ‘a little Jewish black bottomed boy from Georgia’

by | 7th, August 2017

On August 4 1972, Little Richard, the greatest rock ‘n’ roll star of them all was on British TV. He was the originator, the boy whose song about anal sex became Tutti Frutti, anthem for the American Century – the song that contains the single greatest line in rock ‘n’ roll music and, if Bob Dylan can be a Nobel laureate for his writing, arguably the greatest line in American literature: “A Wop Bop A Loo Bop A Lop Bam Boom!”


Take it away, Little Richard…

Spotter: Flashbak

Posted: 7th, August 2017 | In: Celebrities, Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink