
Anorak News | Nestlé does not pay nothing for bottling water

Nestlé does not pay nothing for bottling water

by | 21st, September 2017

You mugs drinking water for ‘hydration’ deserve all you can get. Fruit and vegetable juice are the drink of choice for the health conscious, especially when they’re rebranded as cider, wine and beer. And now via Bloomberg more news to chill water drinkers:

Nestlé Makes Billions Bottling Water It Pays Nearly Nothing For

True enough that the water flows freely

But as Tim Worstall notes, it’s not still free when it arrives at your table or sports bag:

So, let’s consider that other essential for life, oxygen. Say you’re in hospital, and need an extra supply. The people who stuck that compressed oxygen into that bottle and transported it to where you need it not to die. They got it for free! Just sucked it out of the common atmosphere they did!


The story is, of course, that bottled water is for idiots. But you can buy what you like. You choice. In 2009, we read that “wine is now cheaper than water”. In 2015, Meurig Raymond told BBC Radio 4’s Today that “milk… is now cheaper than water”.Surely he meant milk was cheaper than bottled water, some of which retails at £80 a litre.


Posted: 21st, September 2017 | In: News, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink