
Anorak News | Brexit poll: 88% of young voters want Britain to quit the EU?

Brexit poll: 88% of young voters want Britain to quit the EU?

by | 1st, October 2017

Is Brexit a disaster? We’re not sure what it entails in detail, but that vote was glorious. And a new poll tells us that far from being fans of a second referendum and voting until we deliver ‘the right’ answer, most of us rather enjoy democracy and the chance it’s given the country to try something different:


brexit poll


The stand-out figure is the 12% of 18- to 24-year-olds who think the country should press on and quit the European Union. That figure is topped by the 92% of the working class who want Brexit. Jeebus – 70% of Remainers want the country to get on with it.

So let’s not stop Brexit. Let’s not heed the demands of Labour MPs who demand a second referendum and think us all duped for voting for Brexit in the first place. They don’t want democracy; they want to stymie it.

The full survey for the Times went like this:




Such are the facts.


Posted: 1st, October 2017 | In: News, Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink