
Anorak News | Daily Mail reported Mugabe’s demise 2 days before he went

Daily Mail reported Mugabe’s demise 2 days before he went

by | 2nd, December 2017

As Robert Mugabe spends time with his money, it’s worth noting how the Mail knew he was going well before anyone else. On November 19 at 5:08 pm, the Mail thundered: “Robert Mugabe STEPS DOWN to end 37 years in power.” The was wrong, of course, Mugabe resigned two days later.

robert mugabe daily mail


How did the Mail know? And what were those people celebrating – Mugabe’s staying and going? The Mail’s Facebook page published this update:


robert mugabe daily mail error


Follow the link and the Mail story now reads: “Robert Mugabe now faces impeachment after REFUSING to resign”. Indeed, the paper’s Twitter link is confused. Having stated that Mugabe was gone, the updated teaser was picked up and tells readers: “Robert Mugabe REFUSES to step down.”



Such are the facts.


Posted: 2nd, December 2017 | In: News, Politicians, Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink