
Anorak News | Grenfell: how the fire spread

Grenfell: how the fire spread

by | 11th, June 2018

What did so many people die when a flat in Grenfell Tower caught fire? We now the flames spread in the concrete clock – concrete does not burn but new fittings installed since the block went up in 1974 do. New windows were not right.

Daniel Brown was the first firefight to enter flat 16 on the fourth floor. It’s where the fire began. “I walked towards the fridge to inspect it,” he says, “…immediately I noticed little pieces of hot embers falling outside what I could now see was a window that had completely given way leaving a hole in the wall.”

The cosmetic and insulating cladding was dangerous. Grenfell lacked sprinklers.

The shameful facts are seeping out at the public inquiry. We need to hear them all. Facts are vital. The objectivity of everyon on the inquiry’s panel is paramount is we’re to get to the truth.

The BBC shows us how the fire spread from flat 16’s kitchen. And we hear that residents did dial 999:

A resident of flat 195 on the 22nd floor called emergency services to describe smelling smoke, but was advised to “stay inside and keep your door and windows shut”.


grenfell fire spread


In case of fire: get out.

Posted: 11th, June 2018 | In: News 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink