Megarectum! British man’s colon was so full of poo it burst
If you need the toilet, then for the love of god, go! Via Ars Technica comes news of a 24-year-old British man whose colon was so full of poo it burst. This caused “reduced consciousness”, much pain and his kidneys to fail. The case features in the latest BMJ Case Reports, in which we learn that the man’s plight it called ‘megacolon’ or ‘megarectum’. (Call me Marvel, I have ideas.)
The man, who had a deep history of constipation, arrived at hospital complaining of severe pain. He was given laxatives and a home enemas kit and sent on his way. Some days passed. He returned to hospital, where medics cut into him to scoop out the excess poo.
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Posted: 27th, August 2018 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink