Couple harvest dead son’s sperm to create grandchild
This will strike some as remarkably disgusting, even perverse. A couple lost their son in a car crash so they “harvested” his sperm in order to create a grandson for themselves. Certainly we’d expect there to be calls that they can’t do that – despite the fact that they obviously can. What is meant of course is that they shouldn’t be allowed to do that but then perhaps they should. You see, to have grandchildren is to win.
Thus this is a story of someone winning:
A wealthy British couple have created a “designer grandson” using sperm taken from their dead son, it was claimed yesterday.
Yes, this is indeed winning. For details you could read the work of Charles Darwin and the like but it’s simple enough. The aim and purpose of life is to have children which go on to have children:
The couple were left devastated after their only child was killed in a motorcycle crash and seemingly ended their chance of becoming grandparents.
But the pair, who are in their 50s, were reportedly desperate for an heir decided to harvest the 26-year-old’s sperm, which was frozen and exported to the US, bypassing strict laws in the UK.
Their grandson is now three and is believed to be living with them in Britain in a case that highlights ethical and legal concerns.
Well, yes, ethical and legal concerns. That’s the voices of those who insist that they shouldn’t be allowed to do that. Who wish to, insist upon, imposing their own morality on the lives of others:
Professor Allan Pacey, a former chairman of the British Fertility Society, said: “If the son in this case wasn’t being treated by a clinic, and had not signed the necessary consent forms for the posthumous retrieval, storage and use of his sperm, then a criminal act has probably taken place.
“The clinician who extracted the sperm is in breach of the law as is the facility which stored and exported the sample.”
Well, yes, except for that winning by the grandparents. That aim and purpose of all life being exactly that, to reproduce in a manner that leads to the next generation doing so and thereby becoming those grandparents. So, despite the difficulties here they’ve done that, they’ve won that life lottery.
The only pity here being that British law, for some unknown reason, would deny them that ability to produce the life which carries them on into perpetuity.
Posted: 11th, September 2018 | In: Key Posts, News, Technology 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink