
Anorak News | Brexit: Islington man demands Brexit as May is insulted

Brexit: Islington man demands Brexit as May is insulted

by | 22nd, September 2018

The Salzburg dinner was a “humiliation” for Theres May. But it wasn’t, was it? Not really. It was just another non-event in a series of non-events. Until the country leaves the EU in March, everything just chatter. And if it was a humiliating for May, what was it for the EU and its leaders, who gave her 10 minutes to deliver her plan before saying ‘Non’ and trolling her on social media. Pathetic? Game-changing? Revealing:



The two sides are set: one wants to Remain and still honour the will of the people who want to leave; the other wants to make leaving impossible and appear democratic. What say the people?


SAlzburg Brexit




SAlzburg Brexit letts


The man at the Mail knows a Remainer, like May, who isn’t a Leaver, like Corbyn, who wants Brexit, which is going to happen anyhow.

What about the opposition? No, not Rees-Mogg and his European Research Group. The Labour Party? Remember them…



Here’s one, the Labour MP for Brent North, Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade & Shadow Minister for International Climate Change and League of Gentleman character-in-waiting:



What about if they’re about to drive the bus you’re on over the cliff?

As British politics mines new zones of uselessness, we realise how the technocrats came to dictate the conversation. The EU manipulated Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Holland, France, Greece and Hungary. And now it wants to scupper Brexit. May’s Chequers kept us tied to the EU. But the EU wants even more. National sovereignty goes against all they stand for. So what next? Politics is unpredictable but one thing is certain: answers from the technocrats will be long-winded, well-paid and the clock will tick on*

*But which clock? EC President Jean-Claude Juncker wants to stop the ned to out the clocks back in autumn and forward in spring. The debate is which time the EU should go with. Will it be a permanent summer or winter in the glorious EU zone?

Posted: 22nd, September 2018 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink