
Anorak News | The newspapers: unpack your prejudices for Christine Blasey Ford v Brett Kavanaugh

The newspapers: unpack your prejudices for Christine Blasey Ford v Brett Kavanaugh

by | 28th, September 2018

Who do you led with – Christine Blasey Ford, the blonde, white women who stood before the massed ranks of the US Senate Judiciary Committee and the TV cameras as she accused supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her 36 years ago or the white, grey man who says he “never sexually assaulted anyone”? No contest for the newspapers, which leads with Dr Ford. She claims that at a 1980s high school party, she believed Judge Kavanaugh “was going to rape me” and “was accidentally going to kill me”. Kavanaugh then appeared before the same committee. He denied allegations of sexual assault. At home and on Twitter, we tuned in, unpacked out prejudices and picked a side we knew – just knew – was right. Our morals are sound. The other side is most probably evil:


brett kavanaugh Christine Blasey Ford paper newspapers brett kavanaugh Christine Blasey Ford paper newspapers brett kavanaugh Christine Blasey Ford paper newspapers



Posted: 28th, September 2018 | In: News, Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink