
Anorak News | Spurs balls: Son on marriage and a childhood of marathon keepy-uppy sessions

Spurs balls: Son on marriage and a childhood of marathon keepy-uppy sessions

by | 9th, March 2019

No running a pub in the New Forest or stints sat on the Sky Sports sofas for Tottenham and South Korea forward Son Heung-min, 26, after he hangs up his playing boots. When Son retires he plans only to marry.

The Tottenham forward’s father, Son Woong-jung, a former professional footballer, has issued a decree for his son to marry only after his playing days are over. Son agrees. He dare not. “He gave us four hours of keepy-uppies,” Son tells the Guardian of training in his youth. “After about three hours, I was seeing three balls. The floor was red [through bloodshot eyes]. I was so tired. And he was so angry. I think this was the best story and we still talk about it when we are all together. Four hours keeping the ball up and you don’t drop it. That’s difficult, no?”

The 10-year-old Son kept the ball from touching the ground for fours hours straight? Well, so he says. He describes his dad as strict and “scary”. So when dad said not to let the ball touch the ground, Son did his best to comply.

But the marriage thing? Given Son’s high level of fitness and that footballers continue playing into their late 30s, might the lad end up being an old first-time husband and father? And what of Sir Alex Ferguson’s dictum that “marriage helps footballers. It helps them settle down. You know where are they are too! It’s good for the stability of a footballer”?

One fat: any future Mrs Son has been warned – your father-in-law knows best.

Posted: 9th, March 2019 | In: Sports, Spurs 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink