
Anorak News | Woman offers umbrella to Python eating a wallaby

Woman offers umbrella to Python eating a wallaby

by | 11th, March 2019

Woman offers umbrella to Python eating a wallaby

“I was driving back up the drive and glanced back across the paddock and saw something big and thought ‘oh no, I don’t like the look of this’,” says Miss Lisa Delany, of Queensland, Australia.

“I parked the car and had a look and from a distance I could see that it was a python. It was starting to get quite hot and I felt kind of sorry for the snake because it was going to all this effort. I went and got a really big umbrella and sort of laid it so it was casting some shade on it.

“I went back later and had a look and it had sort of regurgitated a bit of [it] and was trying to work its way back up the body. Whether it got too hot or it felt threatened, it had just given up … I’ve just been keeping an eye out in the meantime.”

Spotter: ABC

Posted: 11th, March 2019 | In: Key Posts, News, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink