The VIP paedohile witch-hunt: when belief is enough to damn the innocent

We enjoy digging up the dead to beat them with sticks for our moral gratification, but what about apologising to them? Carl Beech, aka the convicted paedophile and fantasist ‘Nick’ who titillated the media and excited the police with his “credible and true” stories of VIP paedos murdering children, is not dead. He’s in jail. But what about apologising to Ted Heath or Leon Brittan, both falsely accused of depraved crimes?
Nicholas Bramall, son of another man faslely accused, 95-year-old Field Marshal Lord Bramall, wants Tom Watson, the Labour deputy leader who helped to publicise and called for an investigation into Beech’s claims, to apologise.
Mr Bramall told Today on BBC Radio 4: “I’m not sure how much he was actually involved, particularly with my father’s case. He certainly added fuel to the flames of this whole business. I think any apology would be the right thing to do.” Watson never named Bramall. He claimed in parliament that there was “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to parliament and No 10”.
The investigation is travesty. A police fore looking to restore credibility in light of their failings over Jimmy Savile, betrayed evidence-based policing.
Posted: 26th, July 2019 | In: News, Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink