
Anorak News | Marcus Wareing ‘loses’ £2m in home heist

Marcus Wareing ‘loses’ £2m in home heist

by | 16th, January 2020

How to serve up news that TV chef Marcus Wareing’s home was burgled? The Mail makes it about foreigners. “Gem raiders fly in from Chile to ransack TV chef’s £7m homes,” thunders the headline across pages 4 and 5. We see the “cruel burglary tourists who bring misery to British victims”. The Mail says men traveling from Chile to the UK to commit crime has “shown no let up”. No figures are given as to how many people this involves. But the Mail cites two cases. Might it be that Chilean gangs we read of are getting away with it – or not all the active?

As the chart above show, Chile isn’t in the top 10 of countries supplying felons to UK prisons. Albania is top. It has a population of under 3m. Chile’s population is around 18m.

As for other facts, well over in the Star, Wareing was robbed of goods to the value of £33,000 from his “£5m” home. Yeah – the home has gone down in value by a whopping £2m.

As for the capture, the Met reports:

On Tuesday, 15 October, officers from Surrey police on patrol in Linkfield Lane, Redhill discovered the vehicle and stopped it.

The occupants – Carvajal-Donaire, Portilla-Astorga, Donoso and Rojas – were all arrested on suspicion of burglary and going equipped to steal after officers found gloves, torches, a screwdriver and a glass-breaker.

All four were taken into custody and officers from the South West Command Unit informed.

As officers investigated, they discovered a number of photographs advertising jewellery for sale – these included items stolen during the burglary on 11 October.

A photograph of Carvajal-Donaire and Portilla-Astorga was located which showed them wearing stolen items, while officers would also discover that Rojas was wearing a distinctive necklace, stolen during the same burglary, at the time of his arrest.

All four will be deported once their sentence has been served.

Posted: 16th, January 2020 | In: News Comment | TrackBack | Permalink