
Anorak News | City Trader accused of eating sandwiches

City Trader accused of eating sandwiches

by | 4th, February 2020

city sandwich
A bacon sandwich is prepared after a study found body fat and obesity are far more closely linked to cancer than is generally realised. Picture date: Wednesday 31 October 2007. The study found strong evidence that red meat and processed meats were a cause of bowel cancer. Examples included ham, bacon, pastrami, salami, and frankfurters. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Photo credit should read: Anthony Devlin/PA Ref #: PA.5297529 Date: 31/10/2007

The BBC reports on a report in the Financial Times which alleges a City trader at Investment bank Citigroup was allegedly suspended for “stealing food from the staff canteen”. You will, of course have noticed the caveats in that opening line. The trader earns, reportedly, over £1m a year – more than enough to afford a pricey lawyer. Allegedly. It is alleged “he helped himself to sandwiches from the canteen at the bank’s London headquarters”.


Posted: 4th, February 2020 | In: Money, News 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink