
Anorak News | Pitch@Palace loses the palace: Prince Andrew moves out

Pitch@Palace loses the palace: Prince Andrew moves out

by | 10th, February 2020

prince andrew epstein
Prince Andrew: “Buck Off”

You can still see traces of Prince Andrew on the website for Pitch@Palace, his beauty show for budding entrepreneurs. News is that Andrew’s company has moved from its Buckingham Palace base into new office space. The name continues, however, suggesting that a new palace needs to be found to keep the brand alive. There’s the Palace Gentlemen’s Club in New Jersey, the Tower of London or inside a used mackintosh?

PS – on his website, the Duke of York is said to be a full-time working member of the Royal Family. He stepped down from royal duties last November over his relationship with the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Posted: 10th, February 2020 | In: Money, News, Royal Family 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink