
Anorak News | 3D artist Filip Hoda makes fossilised skulls of famous cartoon characters

3D artist Filip Hoda makes fossilised skulls of famous cartoon characters

by | 6th, March 2020

3D artist Filip Hoda makes fossilised skulls of famous cartoon characters

Artist Filip Hodas has created ta great archive of Cartoon Fossils , in which he presents the fossilised remains of such cartoon favourites as Popeye, Minnie Mouse, Spongebob and Tweety Bird. for added wit he gives each creation a Latin name – for instance, Scrooge McDuck is Anas Scroogius and Cainis Goofus is Goofy.

3D artist Filip Hoda makes fossilised skulls of famous cartoon characters

Hodas explains:

Initially, I wanted to make them stylized as dinosaur fossils set up in a museum environment, but later decided against it, as the skulls didn’t look very recognizable on their own—especially with parts broken or missing. That’s why I opted for (a) less damaged look and also added some assets to each of the characters.

3D artist Filip Hoda makes fossilised skulls of famous cartoon characters
3D artist Filip Hoda makes fossilised skulls of famous cartoon characters
3D artist Filip Hoda makes fossilised skulls of famous cartoon characters

Spotter: Flashbak

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Posted: 6th, March 2020 | In: In Pictures, Key Posts, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink