
Anorak News | Black Lives Matters if you want to sell newspapers and celebrate the toppling of Edward Colston

Black Lives Matters if you want to sell newspapers and celebrate the toppling of Edward Colston

by | 8th, June 2020

Racism george floyd statur bristol

Anti-racism protests triggered by the killing of George Floyd in the US occupy the front pages. The Mirror calls it “The march for change”. Thousands of us took part in anti-racism protests across the UK at the weekend. The paper leads with the picture of a statue of tycoon, patron and slave trader Edward Colston being pulled down and thrown into Bristol harbour. It’s a striking image. And you wonder a few things, including: if history is eradicated from view, does it vanish from our minds? Does celebrating the life of a slave trader encourage or tacitly approve racism? And who chooses which status go where and when?

You might wonder what “change” the Mirror champions, giving that there’s never been a black editor on the Mirror not indeed on any major national newspaper. The board of Reach plc, which owns the Mirror, Express and Star titles, is less racially diverse than the membership at a provincial golf club:

Reach plc board
The board of Reach Plc, owner of the Daily Mirror

The all-white board isn’t proof that Reach doesn’t have a fine equalities policy and impeccable anti-racist credentials. But it does illustrate that when aspirational, intelligent black people look up they often see a bank of successful white faces looking down.

Posted: 8th, June 2020 | In: News, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink