
Anorak News | State approved rap rebel Wiley finds sympathy in the Guardian and NME – antisemitism is mainstream and the Left is OK with it

State approved rap rebel Wiley finds sympathy in the Guardian and NME – antisemitism is mainstream and the Left is OK with it

by | 25th, July 2020

The musician Wiley (MBE for services to music), aka Richard Cowie, is in the news over what the Indy calls “antisemitic social media posts”. Tweets include: “I would challenge the whole world of Jewish community on my own I am not scared I can handle them”; “There are 2 sets of people who nobody has really wanted to challenge #Jewish & #KKK but being in business for 20 years you start to undestand [sic] why … Red Necks Are the KKK and Jewish people are the Law…Work that out.”; “If you work for a company owned by 2 Jewish men and you challenge the Jewish community in anyway of course you will get fired.” In a video reported on by ITV, Wiley says, “crawl out from under your little rocks and defend your Jewish privilege”.

The establishment have loved Wiley. They gave him an MBE. They praised him:

And how did the Press and big brand media respond to Wiley’s recent nastiness? With blinkers on – by making it mostly about Israel. And you know how it’s ok to hate Israel:

Did he not say a bit more than that? But when you have an agenda, a hot take is needed. Anti-semitism? No. It’s just anti-Israel, says the Left. Shame on the Guardian.
Hey, NME – good work explaining things (and making it worse) . ‘Israel tweets’? No. Not really. No.

Thankfully, some people get it:

You can say what you like about Jews. Anti-semitism is mainstream.

Posted: 25th, July 2020 | In: Key Posts, Music, News 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink