
Anorak News | Summer and indoors sunglasses to keep the sun and people at the right distance

Summer and indoors sunglasses to keep the sun and people at the right distance

by | 11th, August 2020

Sunglasses should only be worn indoors by professional gamblers, prisoners, Jack Nicholson, Z-listers who wants to be noticed, hungover international cricketers and anyone who understands the risk of being mistaken for Bono. Sunglasses make elderly women look like assassins and elderly men look shifty, especially if they’re wearing a dog collar and / or talking to children. This is how you wear glasses and look the business. It’s about style and need in harmony. And if you want to look sharp and not pay over-the-odds for shades, you can do so at our pals Smart Buy Sunglasses. They offer free shipping and 100-day returns.

Posted: 11th, August 2020 | In: Online-PR, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink