
Anorak News | Mopping up Boris Johnson’s ‘avalanches of passion’

Mopping up Boris Johnson’s ‘avalanches of passion’

by | 19th, October 2020

American Jennifer Arcuri, 35, says Boris Johnson bombarded her “with avalanches of passion” during what the Mirror claims was a four-year affair that ran like a spluttering tap feeding a gelatinous fatberg between 2012 and 2016. At the time, Johnson, a serial ‘love bomber’, was married to second wife, Marina Wheeler.

Arcuri has been talking with a sympathetic Daily Mail. Get a lot of “her big smile and effervescent personality”; “she attracts admiring glances from passing male guests”; and “she and Boris had a deep emotional attachment”.

They also shared office space. But nothing untoward occurred. The Independent Office for Police Conduct said there was no evidence Johnson had influenced payments to Ms Arcuri or her companies. Acruri, a “technology entrepreneur”, joined then mayor Johnson on overseas trade missions in 2014 and 2015. The BBC noted:

According to an investigation by the Sunday Times one of her businesses had received £11,500 in sponsorship money from a mayoral organisation when Mr Johnson was mayor and a £15,000 government grant for foreign entrepreneurs in Britain.

A further £100,000 grant was awarded to Ms Arcuri’s company, Hacker House, by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in January.

All legit. So…

Mail: But you did have an affair?

Arcuri: ‘I think that goes without saying,’ she purrs throatily. ‘It’s pretty much out there . . . But I’m not going to talk about it.’

The takeaway part from this grubby story is not Arcuri’s realisation that ‘no comment’ is still a comment, but that UK’s bargain bucket version of JFK and Marilyn Monroe includes Arcuri telling us:

“You’d have to be a fool not to get swept away by those avalanches of passion.”

Strap on the goggles, hold your breath and tell the plasterer to wrap his radio in clingfilm – we’re stood on the edge of crevasse and Boris Johnson’s barrelling towards us with his dripping snow machine proud and primed for a quick Brexit…

Posted: 19th, October 2020 | In: News 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink