
Anorak News | Man’s Halloween decor so obscene police are called many times

Man’s Halloween decor so obscene police are called many times

by | 30th, October 2020

One man’s Halloween decor is so obscene, so disgusting, so outrageous that police have been called several times to what look likes a slaughter on his front lawn. Police have rocked up and taken photos at the Dallas, Texas, residence. They have, however, not rounded up the usual suspects.

“It’s just fun,” says Steven Novak about his decorations. “Halloween is the perfect opportunity to put on a spectacle.”

“As an artist, I’ve always got projects going on outside so my neighbours always see me making things. They asked me when I was going to do something for Halloween and they finally talked me into it,” he told NBC News.

Rumours that the neighbours have not been seen for a while are just viscous gossip.

Posted: 30th, October 2020 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink