
Anorak News | Billionaire Leon Cooperman is here to save the world one hedge fund at a time

Billionaire Leon Cooperman is here to save the world one hedge fund at a time

by | 29th, January 2021

Leon Cooperman (net worth $3.2 billion) is upset about money and how it’s being used by the little people to make GameStop shares soar – and in so doing cost hedge funds that bet on the store’s share price tanking. He tells CNBC: “The reason the market is doing what it’s doing is people are sitting at home getting checks from the government. This fair share, is a bullshit concept. It’s just a way of attacking wealthy people and I think it inappropriate and we all gotta work together and pull together.”

Cooperman was always a plonker:

Posted: 29th, January 2021 | In: Money, News Comment | TrackBack | Permalink