
Anorak News | Frozen 3 spoiler : Binman sacked for decapitating snowman

Frozen 3 spoiler : Binman sacked for decapitating snowman

by | 29th, January 2021

The binman who kicked the head off a snowman in Hereford has been sacked. Joseph Taylor, 3, was let in “floods of tears” after watching the man decapitate the snowman outside his home in Tupsley. The binman then repeatedly kicked the snowman’s torso until it to crashed to the ground. The action was recorded on the Taylor family’s CCTV camera.

Callum Woodhouse snowman hereford

“Yes the people who made it (kids) have young feelings,” says binman Callum Woodhouse on social media. “Let’s look at the bigger problem in this wold Covid-19 people have feelings about this. “People are dropping dead by a virus. Think of it like this, that snowman wouldn’t be there tomorrow, any feelings then?…no. I understand people made this snowman but it’s gonna melt anyhow. I don’t understand why this has came to this.”

Said no parent whose seen Frozen: we can only take so much.

Spotter: Hereford Times

Posted: 29th, January 2021 | In: News Comment | TrackBack | Permalink