
Anorak News | Spotify founder Daniel Ek wants to buy Arsenal – greedy Kroenke must go

Spotify founder Daniel Ek wants to buy Arsenal – greedy Kroenke must go

by | 23rd, April 2021

Arsenal fan can begin to dream – and start moving their accounts from Apple Music to Spotify. Daniel Ek, founder and CEO of the streaming music company, says he wants to buy Arsenal, the team he supports. Will the craven Mr Greedies, ‘Silent’ Stan Kroenke and his hapless son Josh Kroenke sell up? Of course they will, if Ek offers them enough money, which is all they care about. So c’mon Stan the Spiv and gormless Josh, sell your shares and ship off. Arsenal fans loathe you.

Posted: 23rd, April 2021 | In: Arsenal, Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink