
Anorak News | When The Bidens and the Carters met the result was a truly strange photo

When The Bidens and the Carters met the result was a truly strange photo

by | 5th, May 2021

Biden carter

The Carter Center (@CarterCenter) tweets the picture of President Joe Biden and the First Lady with the caption: ‘We’re pleased to share this wonderful photo from the @POTUS and @FLOTUS visit to see the Carters in Plains, Ga.! Thank you President and Mrs. Biden!’

The Carter Center was ‘founded in 1982 by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter & Rosalynn.’ Yes, that is former US leader Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn in a photo that looks like an outtake from Roald Dahl book abut ventriloquists. More strange than wonderful.

Posted: 5th, May 2021 | In: News, Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink