
Anorak News | Dutch designer Ootje Oxenaar’s handmade replacement book cover spines

Dutch designer Ootje Oxenaar’s handmade replacement book cover spines

by | 5th, January 2022

Dutch designer Ootje Oxenaar created replacement book cover spines. You can see them in a new book, Ootje Oxenaar Spines.

Although renowned for his designs for Dutch banknotes and postage stamps, Oxenaar was a prolific designer of book spines. This wasn’t done for commercial publishers, but for books in his own library. When he didn’t care for what he saw poking out from a shelf (or when he needed to procrastinate) he would make his own spine for a book. The result is a fantastic and fantastical mosaic made of tall-and-skinny strips, hand-lettered and drawn with great skill and great whimsy.

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Posted: 5th, January 2022 | In: Books, The Consumer Comment | TrackBack | Permalink