
Anorak News | The Uncomfortable Tooth

The Uncomfortable Tooth

by | 30th, July 2003

‘NOT everyone hates dentists – just nearly everyone.

‘They did say ‘free beer’, didn’t they?’

This news comes on the day the Express sees 600 people queue up outside an NHS dental practice in west Wales to claim one of the 300 places available.

Some had travelled 25 miles to stand in line for 11 hours to register at the Brynteg Dental surgery in Carmarthen.

How many thought the queue was for drugs is not known, but even reducing the line by a factor of 20% for that and a further factor of 10% for the merely curious who join any line, the demand was still huge.

‘Many started crying,’ says practice manager Heather Davies, ‘some were awkward and started arguing, while others offered bribes of several hundred pounds but there was nothing we could do.’

They needed their teeth drilled and that was that. A lucky 300 did escape and were seen running for the hills…’

Posted: 30th, July 2003 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink