
Anorak News | Child’s Play

Child’s Play

by | 22nd, October 2003

‘WOULD you recognise a paedophile if you saw one? Of course you would.

‘I do believe in fairies’

They wear long white coats and hang around the children’s ward in hospitals, don’t they? No, silly, they’re paediatricians.

They dress up in green tights, never say they don’t believe in fairies and want to stay young forever? No, stupid, that’s Peter Pan.

Paedophiles have horns sprouting out of their head, a tail (which they often conceal inside a long coat) and hooves instead of feet.

Typically, they are also white and IT professionals.

A study by Thames Valley police found that offenders ranged from company directors to doctors, but (says the Indy) the majority of people arrested for child pornography offences were people in computing and IT.

But DS Bob Krykant admits that the profile of a typical offender might be changing as more people have access to the Internet at home.

“It is surprising sometimes when you get people in positions of responsibility and trust that offend – like doctors, managing directors and police officers.”

Well, they’ve got to do something with the two-thirds of their time when they’re not dealing with crime.’

Posted: 22nd, October 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink