
Anorak News | Your Number’s Up

Your Number’s Up

by | 12th, November 2003

‘WHAT number would you best use to describe yourself? Are you a well-rounded 8888 or a more aloof and individual 1357, all jagged and edgy?

‘And the winning card is…’

Today’s lead story in the Telegraph about how ID cards are to be introduced by 2007 has instantly raised a few concerns.

Will Tony Blair get a card and, if so, will he get preferential treatment and reserve a number that he believes best suits him, like 007, 10 or 666?

And will there by a new business in personalised numbers, as with cars? The two are not unrelated, since Home Secretary David Blunkett has said how these new ID cards may be combined with driving licences.

You can just imagine the copper taking your card and snorting as ‘BIG1’ pops up on his screen.

But if you don’t drive, you need not worry about missing out. The Times says that anyone renewing their passport in 2007 will have to undergo fingerprinting and iris scans at post officers or register offices.

Anyone not wanting a passport or able to drive a car will still get the chance to apply for a plain ID card costing around £35 for 10 years.

But before any of us can get anything, asylum seekers and the country’s 4.6 million foreign citizens will get their cards first.

And we’ve got some inside knowledge that anyone tagged with the number 24980 will be allowed to stay in the country and work for their freedom.

However, anyone bearing a resemblance to the Ace of Clubs will be taken to the edge of a ditch and shot.’

Posted: 12th, November 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink