Art Attack
‘SINCE imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we should not be too upset if some scientist, mad or otherwise, wishes to replicate us for all time.
This could happen again |
In years to come we will look like us, walk like us, talk like us and even make the same mistakes as us.
Pop music will replace the word cover with clone, thus breathing new life into Westlife and giving a new slant to the idea of a hits factory.
And artists will simply use tracing paper to copy once original works.
Thanks to Dolly The Sheep and a cell from Damien Hirsts nose, the country will be replete with hungry cutting-edge artists.
And thats what the Arts Council England (ACE) would surely want.
Indeed, given its track record, ACE would most likely pump in millions of pounds into the cloning project, just as it has invested massively in other arty things.
The Times hears from Edward Leigh, chairman of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee, who has noticed that ACE has wasted £19m of Lottery money on two projects that have failed utterly and £78m on five projects that are all set to do the same.
Leigh is not wrong when he says: Lottery players will be rightly unimpressed.
And those are the Lottery player who each week trot out to their newsagents to play the same numbers as they did the week before.
And then lose, as they did the week before.
As such, who needs cloning? And if it arrived, would anyone really notice?’
Posted: 13th, February 2004 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink