
Anorak News | Vote Farce

Vote Farce

by | 19th, April 2004

‘LISTEN very carefully, because Tony Blair will say this only once.

‘So that’s three votes for the new EU constitution’

No need to say it three times, like that famous mantra to “education, education, education”, since the message is unequivocal first time round.

“There will not be a referendum,” said Tony back in October 2003.

Did everyone understand that? The Independent hopes we all realise that Tony Blair is committed to not giving the British people a vote on the proposed European Union constitution.

For those slower than most, the Indy recalls some more Blair bon mots from that same month.

“There is a proper place where this constitution can be debated,” said Tony. “It is Parliament.”

Bravo! That’s a decision made, and it’s one fearless Tony reached without any consultation with George Bush or his good lady wife.

But earlier this month, Tony was forced to suffer the fools that failed to grasp his clear meaning and restated his intent.

“Our policy has not changed,” he said, “and if there is any question of it changing I can assure you we will tell you.”

And that is why later this week, the Guardian reports on its front page, Tony will tell us that things have indeed changed.

Tony will tell us that there will be a referendum on Britain’s place in Europe after all, and that it is the right and proper thing to do.

The paper was tuned into BBC Radio 4’s The World This Weekend the other day and heard John Prescott, the deputy prime minister, say how things have changed.

“We do consult the people where we think it is justified and necessary,” said Prezza.

“The Prime Minister has said he is listening to the argument as it goes on. It appears to be changing even during the process of negotiation.”

In other words, whether there is a referendum or not, Tony will be able to say he kept his word. A real stand-up guy indeed.’

Posted: 19th, April 2004 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink