
Anorak News | Fag Hags

Fag Hags

by | 29th, July 2004

‘YOU might not have the cheekbones, the poise and the coat-hanger shoulders, but you can have the skin of a supermodel simply by smoking a packet of fags every day.

Kate Moss at her 8th birthday party

By way of a crash course in looking louche and cool, the Times equips its story on how the Chief Medial Officer Sir Liam Donaldson is upset at the link between smoking and fashion with a shot of Kate Moss having a puff.

You, of course, look nothing like Ms Moss, but you can have her breath and, according to Sir Liam, her aging skin.

But unlike a million teenage boys and girls, Sir Liam doesn’t like what he’s seeing and has reiterated his call for a total ban on public smoking.

“The use of smoking in the modelling, fashion and film industries is totally at odds with one of its principal aims – to promote glamour and good looks,” says Sir Liam.

He goes on to say that “beauty is only skin-deep and that smoke and chemicals in cigarette smoke can damage the architecture of the skin for good”.

That they can – but Sir Liam is overlooking the key fact that going against Government advice is part of smoking’s allure and that cosmetic surgery can eradicate those smoke-induced wrinkles and sallow yellow skin.

What’s more, Sir Liam’s other claim – that smoking damages small blood vessels in the face and can make a smoker appear ten to 20 years older than a non-smoker – will hardly discourage the nation’s ten-year-olds who want to look old enough to buy a bottle of vodka.

“No fags: No sale” – as the subliminal message goes…’

Posted: 29th, July 2004 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink