
Anorak News | Day Release

Day Release

by | 27th, October 2005

‘GIVEN the fact that criminals inhabit jails, being locked in your cell of a night is no bad thing. You wouldn’t want some burglar stealing your last roll of toilet paper.

‘You can never be too careful’

But the Times reports that prisoners in emergency jails are not being locked in. Such is the risk of fire that they are being given keys in case something bad happens.

While arsonists plan a daring escape, the Times reads a report by the National Audit Office.

It says that more than 1,000 prisoners are being housed in 29 “modular” units, put up in 22 jails. These cells are made of wood with steel frames. As the Times says, such a structure means inmates cannot be locked in for fear of fire.

So the criminals are given keys to their own cells for their own good. It’s all a matter of health and safety – not yours, the prisoners…’

Posted: 27th, October 2005 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink