Air Waves
‘ELIZABETH THE GREAT, says the Mails front page, saluting the woman who is pictured reading one of the 20,000 cards she has received. Long may she rule, says the paper. Happy birthday, Maam.
‘It’s a begging letter from Princess Michael’ |
Its the same picture in the Mirror, where Liz is once more showing her teeth in an uncharacteristic smile. And she is seen smiling again as she celebrates her big day with a visit to BBC Broadcasting House.
There she is pictured meeting DJs Chris Evans and Jo Wiley. Liz pauses to speak with Terry Wogan, of whom she is a great admirer. She asks him how long he had worked for the BBC. I have never worked here, Maam, says Terry. I havent worked for 40 years. The Queen may have laughed at that. She may also have found cause to remember that Prince Edward is 42.
It was then the turn of the BBCs Sonia Deol to ask the Queen what she would like for her birthday. Oh, she says, I dont think theres anything Id like a nice sunshiny days, that would be nice.
Its clear that with age comes wisdom. Not for the Queen a desire for world peace and the end of hunger, rather a simple request for some sunshine.
But James Whittaker, the royal raspberry, writing in the Mirror, hankers for something more. Has she started any great art collections, contributed to the world of opera or ballet or commissioned anything that will last for eternity? I cant really think of anything, says she.
Max Hastings can. Writing in the Mail, Hastings expresses his admiration for Lizs AWESOME SENSE OF DUTY.
So let us not dwell on Lizs legacy Prince Edward, stamps and cornflakes in Tupperware boxes and just remember what she has given the country: an alternative to President Blair. We are eternally in her gratitude…’
Posted: 21st, April 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink