
Anorak News | Same Old, Same Old

Same Old, Same Old

by | 1st, August 2006

Jonathan. Viral. Daryl Van Horne. JaYne. And Gygny. Joining the show late is no easy thing.

Of the four new housemates who entered the house from the secret house, only Gyny remains.

Why? Perhaps Gyny is more interesting than the others who have left. But this is unlikely.

Gyny might well be one of the biggest laughs in her group of pals, tearing up Crewe and being something of the wag, and but in the house she is practically mute.

Gyny achieves nothing apart from making Imogen look almost lifelike.

Gyny’s biography says he is a “self-confessed bossy boots”. And: “Jennie loves to dance and spends her nights ‘shaking my booty’ into the wee, small hours.”

Gyny should not be so hard on herself – she is as bossy as a wet sponge. As for dancing, we all have her own style of movement and grace, but Gyny’s dance seems to consist almost entirely of sitting on her “booty” and smoking a fag. And that when she’s got a fag to smoke and is not moaning about not smoking a fag.

It is a dance that has great chance to catching on in rest homes for the elderly. The aged will sit in their droves and smoke fags.

Some may even add their twist to The Gyny dance and hum the opening bars to Amazing Grace or suck on a boiled sweet, clacking the sticky treat to their dentures in a syncopated rhythm reminiscent of Frankie Vaughn at the height of his powers.

Gyny has to go soon. And when she has left the house to a chorus of “Who’s that then?” and “Was she in the house?” we will be left with the original cast, and Snoozie and Aisleyne, who are both still there.

And we will wonder how it is that with weeks to plan a show and choose contestants, the producers felt inclined to feature eight new housemates?

And how only one of them – Aisleyne – is what can be termed Big Brother material?

Posted: 1st, August 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink