No Money Back
“Vote your favourite ex-housemate into the house.”
That’s the invitation from Big Brother. And keen to accept we take up the phone. We’d like Jade back please. Jade Goody. Oh, and throw in that bald Brummie who played with Jade under the covers.
But – silly us – Big Brother means for us to vote for which contestant we liked best from THIS series. So we pick up the receiver and vote for Shahbaz.
But we can’t. His name is not on the list. So what about Bonn-eh? Or Dawn? Or Sezer?
No. No. And no. All three are forbidden from standing for re-election. Big Brother says there are “legal reasons” for this.
Which is fine. The letter of the law is all important. Rules are rules. What kind of game would it be without them?
So how about the rule that says you pay to vote for which contests you want out. The rule is – as we understand it – you vote via a telephone for which housemate you want to see evicted.
But now all the people who spent money voting out Nikkkkki and the rest will be undone by people who want to vote them back in.
This is surely cheating by Big Brother? You pay to see someone leave and then they ask you to pay again to let them back in. And whether you vote or not, four from ten will return. And one of those will make it back into the show for real.
So when one of them returns, can everyone who voted them out have their money back? Or will Big Brother just keep the lot, grabbing what it can before the viewers revolt and switch over?
Posted: 8th, August 2006 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink