Wills Of Fire
FOR you, Prince Harry, the smoking is over.
The Mail tells us that in light of the impending Ministry of Defence ban on smoking in Army barracks, Harry has reportedly resolved to quit the evil weed.
Young soldiers can train to brave enemy munitions and friendly dire, but light up a fag and it is so much the worse for them.
Of course, keeping our boys alive is a noble aim. And if Harry, who is said to puff up to 20 Marlboro Light cigarettes a day, can kick the habit then all well and good. The last thing you need as you creep towards a Taliban position in the dead of night is a comrade with a hacking cough.
And Harry is not the only Royal who needs to change his ways. As the Sun reports, armed officers from the Metropolitan Police Royalty Protection Department are not so keen on Prince William’s antics.
The paper reports that Wills is said to be “addicted” to the thrill of speed. We talk not of the narcotic but of Wills riding on his powerful 1100cc Honda Super Blackbird motorbike.
As Wills zooms along the highways and byways in his black leathers, officers are worried about keeping up with him and breaking the speed limit.
The Mail reveals that Wills’ bike can move at 175mph, well in excess of the 70mph national speed limit. News that he recently had “a wobble” on said bike has caused alarm.
A source tells the paper: “There are worries that if the Prince speeds in 30pmph zones, the tailing officers will have to as well. If they refuse to do so, they will leave William on his own.”
But there is a radical solution: the bodyguards could always force Wills to pull over and issue him with a fixed penalty notice for breaking the law. Just a thought…
Posted: 2nd, January 2007 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink