Mail Makes Stand Againt YouTube Cyber Bullying
TEACHERS under pressure. Targets unrealistic. Exams worthless. Not to worry, the Mail is here to help.
It has seen an example of “cyber-bullying” in which a teacher at a school in Cumbernauld, near Glasgow, gets his trousers pulled down by a young rapscallion/thug/hoodie.
The Mail says there are “obscene” images of teachers, footage looking up miss’s skirt or down her top.
There is a website called Rate My Teachers, in which Priapic youths, other teachers, interested parents and perhaps even Mail readers get to score teachers on their appearance.
The Government will doubtless approve of this league table approach to education. But not the Mail. It speaks of a “teacher’s humiliation”.
So upset and concerned is the Mail that to highlight the matter it produces three stills of the teacher being debagged.
It is terrible. It is wrong. And it is here:
Posted: 4th, April 2007 | In: Reviews Comments (12) | TrackBack | Permalink