Norman Baker MPs’ Drink And The Freedom Of Information Act
HOW much drink do the MPs and their assorted lackeys and guests quaff at the House of Commons?
As Dizzy notes, thanks to Norman Baker MP for Lewes, East Sussex, we now know. “In the past 11 months the Refreshment Department of the House of Commons have purchased 103,000 litres of booze at a cost of £520,400. Wine is clearly the drink of choice accounting for 73% of that spending.”
As the Express reports: “Total travel expenses for MPs last year included £4.5million, including almost £2million on car mileage, £1.5million on trains, £1million on flights and more than £45,000 on taxi fares and hire cars.”
It’s all part of the Freedom of Information Act – something which David Maclean MP’s Freedom of Information Amendment Bill sought to make MPs exempt.
Writes Baker: This bill is an astonishing, brazen attempt to water down the Freedom of Information Act, only two years after it came into force. In effect, it is a bill that seeks to remove Parliament and MPs from public scrutiny. And by staying quiet – they call it staying neutral – the government connived at the wrecking of its own flagship act.”
What was that saying? Oh, yes – they work for you…
Posted: 23rd, April 2007 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink