
Anorak News | Jagger And Hall Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Jagger And Hall Can’t Get No Satisfaction

by | 17th, May 2007

jagger.jpgMONEY is consistently cited as one of the biggest causes of arguments in a marriage. And for Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall the subject is still a bone of contention despite their split eight years ago.

In response to Hall’s recent claims that her ex was “pretty tight with the day-to-day stuff”, multi-millionaire rock icon Jagger has hit back.

Says he: “I find her remarks absurd. I have always paid all expenses for the children as well as the lion’s share of the costs relating to her lifestyle, and been more than happy to do so.”

Jagger has always been a financial squirrel, raking in record profits from the Stones’ seemingly constant touring.

The sixty-something rocker also managed to negotiate a comparatively low £10 million divorce pay-out in 1999 after claiming that his then marriage to Hall nine years earlier wasn’t legal.

Hall is no doubt learning that you can’t, er, always get what you want.

Posted: 17th, May 2007 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink